Orion is a stunning lilac colorpoint boy from Lynn at Jollytime Ragdolls! His father is a direct import from Germany and Orion also carries Cinnamon. We have some of Orion’s babies currently and they are proving to be nothing short of amazing like him!
Zues is a stunning seal mink colorpoint with the most perfect eyes you can imagine. Although much bigger now, his eyes have not lost any of their blue! He is our own creation from here at RUSTIC RAGDOLLS and we couldn’t be happier with our very own home raised boy!
Wrigley might be the sweetest of any of our cats and is an absolute lover! He is a traditional red mitted boy and as soft and fluffy as he is pretty! He is definitely a favorite to all who meet him!
Ari – a blue-mitted mink with a blaze is enjoying his retirement as well. We loved and miss this boy dearly here at Rustic Ragdolls, but we know he is in great hands in his new home. Thank you Joan for loving him as much as we did!
Oliver was one of our foundation kings here at Rustic Ragdolls. He has since been retired and is living a very spoiled life!